Andreas Bath
Who is Andreas “Andi” Bath?
Andreas is the fix point in my Berlin connection. An ideal metaphor to describe him: creek => always runs slowly and steady, no tides, no big footprint on the environment, in other words: You will like him!
Andi has an idle pulse never above 45bpm. He always appears to be not really an emotional, passionate guy, but beware of the silent beast I like to say. He is at least as passionate as we all are. Just bought himself some time ago a Super Ténéré (well, Andi would call more like “Tennnereee”, as he really doesn’t care for the last 20+ years for the pronunciational exercise, how sympathetic is that!) , even though he is not driving a lot, but he picked it back up and designed his new fleet member nicely!
Andi moved out of the city limits into a suburban area in the north of Berlin in build himself the most decadent garage I have ever seen. I hate him for that, I am jealous as hell…..why? Well, he has everything laid out the way it should be: an iron oven to make some real fire (yeah!), tailed floor, nice clean work bench and the best: it is about 20 feet from his living room couch. What a prick, this is not fair!
Well it is fair, because Andi is the most decent and loyal guy you will find. He was building his own house and garage and goes to work every day to pay the bills. He is a true friend as he was there for me when I really needed help and didn’t want any. He gave it anyway. Good guy, never loud, sometimes a bit phlegmatic, but the best heart!
His bikes: XT 600Z Ténéré 1VJ, XTZ 750 Super Ténéré 3LD, WR 400F, XT 600E 3TB